• Why is My Double Kitchen Sink Backing Up to the Other Side?

Why is My Double Kitchen Sink Backing Up to the Other Side?

When was the last time you used both sides of your double kitchen sink simultaneously? If it has been a while, you may not have noticed that one side is backing up into the other when you run water. This can be a frustrating and messy situation, but understanding why it happens can help prevent it from occurring in the future. Reasons for Backing Up [...]

  • Why You Should Never Flush Cat Poop Down Your Toilet

Why You Should Never Flush Cat Poop Down Your Toilet

When it comes to disposing of cat waste, many pet owners might think that flushing it down the toilet is a convenient and hygienic option. However, this common practice can actually cause a lot of harm to both the environment and your home's plumbing system. Harmful to the Environment Cat poop may seem harmless enough, but when flushed down toilets, it can have serious consequences [...]

  • how to light the pilot light on your hot water heater

How To Light The Pilot Light on Your Hot Water Heater

A cold shower can be a jarring start to the day. This frustrating situation is often caused by a pilot light that's gone out on your hot water heater. Lighting a pilot light might seem daunting, but with our easy guide, you can quickly master this essential skill. Continue reading as we take you through the simple steps to safely light the pilot light on [...]

  • The Lifespan of a Water Heater: Knowing When to Plan For Replacement

The Lifespan of a Water Heater: Knowing When to Plan For Replacement

Most homeowners never think of the need to plan for replacing their water heater until it's too late. Learn how to determine the life expectancy of your water heater and when you should start making plans for a replacement. With this information, you can avoid costly breakdowns caused by an old and outdated unit. At Muccia Plumbing, Heating & AC, our team can help you [...]

  • Benefits of Ductless Mini Split Air Conditioning Systems

Benefits of Ductless Mini Split Air Conditioning Systems

If you're adding air conditioning to your home, a ductless mini-split system is an attractive and efficient option. It's quieter and more energy-efficient than traditional systems, provides zone control for improved comfort, requires no ductwork, and offers easy installation. Find out more about these great AC benefits today! Muccia Plumbing, Heating & AC is your local provider of ductless mini split air conditioning systems. We [...]

  • the benefits of upgrading your home's plumbing system improving efficiency and saving money

The Benefits of Upgrading Your Home’s Plumbing System: Improving Efficiency and Saving Money

A home's plumbing system is a vital aspect of daily life. Upgrading or improving it can bring numerous benefits, like improving water quality and reducing water bills. On the other hand, improper upgrades or improvements can lead to costly expenses. Investing in modern, low-flow fixtures is one way to upgrade your plumbing system and save money. Toilets, showerheads, and other fixtures that are low-flow rated [...]

  • the top tips for extending the lifespan of your home's hvac system

The Top Tips for Extending the Lifespan of Your Home’s HVAC System

Looking to extend the lifespan of your home's HVAC system? Maintaining your HVAC system can save you money on repairs and replacements and ensure year-round comfort. Regularly changing or cleaning air filters is essential, as dirty air filters reduce efficiency, cause damage, and lead to higher energy bills. Furthermore, monitoring airflow throughout different rooms in the house and cleaning vents every few months will also [...]

  • The Importance of Promptly Repairing Plumbing Issues in Your New Jersey Business

The Importance of Promptly Repairing Plumbing Issues in Your New Jersey Business

If you are experiencing plumbing issues in New Jersey, you might be putting off calling on a professional. Many people, for whatever reason, believe they can fix the plumbing issue on their own or that it will go away if ignored. However, in both cases, we have seen time and time again that this isn't true. Many people believe that plumbing is a simple process. [...]

  • Proper Steps to Help Keep Your Plumbing From Freezing During Winter Temperatures

Proper Steps to Keep Plumbing From Freezing During Winter Temperatures

Proper Steps to Help Keep Your Plumbing From Freezing During Winter Temperatures Keeping your plumbing system from freezing during winter is crucial in ensuring a safe and comfortable home. Here in New Jersey, temperatures can quickly turn for the worse, and you need to be prepared in multiple ways. For example, we get calls all the time for burst pipes, but did you know that [...]

  • My-Sink-Drain-Stinks-What-Do-I-Do

My Sink Drain Stinks, What Do I Do?

  Most of us only think about our drains once something terrible happens. Drains are a part of life that are amazing when they are working correctly. But, like your garage door opener or garbage disposal, they can cause all kinds of havoc when they are not. When drains quit working properly, it is very common that they become smelly and stink. Let's look at [...]